
Distance between Mysore and Ooty

Mysore is most famous tourist spot in Karnataka and is located at a distance of 126 km from Ooty. Most of the tourists visiting Ooty often have interest in visiting the nearby tourists attractions in neighboring states such as Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Mysore is the nearest tourist attraction located very close to Ooty. If you are looking for cab rentals to travel from Mysore to Ooty or from Ooty to Mysore, Ootycalltaxi offers taxi to Ooty and Mysore at an economical price

Bus from Ooty to Mysore

Ooty is connected to Mysore by well maintained roads and there are many buses plying to and fro from Mysore and Ooty. It takes almost 4-5 hours to travel from Mysore to Ooty. KSRTC and TNSTC buses ply from Ooty to Mysore via Bandipur, Mudumalai and Gudalur. The travel from Ooty to Mysore offers spectacular views along Mudumalai and Masinagudi route. The Bandipur National Park and Mudumalai Tiger Reserve are the major attractions along the Mysore-Ooty road

Cab from Mysore to Ooty

The best option to travel to Mysore from Ooty, is to choose cab services from Ootycalltaxi which offers clean cars according to the requirement of the tourists at a low tariff. The professional drivers act as semi-guide to assist the tourists to the sightseeing spots located along the Mysore-Ooty road. Ootycalltaxi offers car rental service from Ooty to Mysore, Ooty to Mudumalai, Ooty to Masinagudi, Ooty to Bandipur, Mysore to Mudumalai, Mysore to Coonoor, and Mysore to Masinagudi. The well maintained roads make the car travel from Mysore to Ooty to be more pleasing and comfortable to the tourists. The low-tariff taxi option provided by Ootycalltaxi is the most preferred mode of transport opted by tourists to travel from Mysore to Ooty. You can book taxi from Mysore to Ooty or can book cab from Mysore to Coonoor by booking ootycalltaxi service through online or by contacting us directly at any time over phone

Mysore to Ooty Taxi Fare

Ootycalltaxi ensures to provide transparent taxi fare with no-hidden charges to the customers, to earn the trust and reputation of our services. As the toll gate charges, parking charges and driver beta are all included in the taxi fare, we assure you that no extra amount will be charged from the customer apart from the quoted taxi tariff